Carrying out a Juice Fast the Right Way
Juice fasting is an excellent way to improve your bodily health through fast and efficient weight loss, alongside a full body detox. However, it is easy to rush into a juice fast without proper preparation, and as a result, improvements can become diminished. Therefore, it is crucial to carry out the process through a suitable method that can be customised to your body.
Plan First
A juice fast can seem very daunting at first, especially for a first-timer. However, it doesn’t have to be, and for many, the best solution comes from extensive planning. To do this effectively, it’s important that you consider every stage of the fast.
Start with the very basics, such as the length of time you plan to fast for, and the results you want by the end of it. Then move on to consider what sort of juices you plan to drink, the ingredients you’ll need and how many juices you’ll consume each day.
Your body is going to be experiencing a very different routine, but it’s important to ensure that it isn’t starved of all nutrients. So, make sure that you put lots of thought into the ingredients of your juices with the aim of providing a wide range of vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy.
Prepare to Struggle
Juice fasts are very demanding on your body and mind, especially over the first few days. Many people do experience a eureka moment when they wake on the 3 rd day, but to achieve that, you first have to push through the start of the process. That may sound easy, but it takes a great deal of willpower to resist the temptation to eat when your body is in a never-ending state of hunger.
Success at this stage often comes about due to mindset, and whenever you’re struggling, it’s important to focus on the reason for your fast. If the reason is truly important to you, it should help you push through to the better half of the fast.
Ensure You Use the Right Juicer
To receive all the benefits of a juice fast, selecting the right style of juicer can help a lot, and for the best results, we recommend a cold press juicer or a significantly premium centrifugal juicer, such as the Sage Nutri Juicer Pro. These recommendations are based purely on the ability of the juicers to extract high levels of nutrients from ingredients. Cold press juicers are specialists in this area and are renowned for producing high yields of nutrient-rich juice, but not everyone has enough time to use them. If that’s you and your lifestyle only allows quick juicing sessions, then a premium centrifugal juicer makes a decent alternative.
However, with that in mind, it is worth mentioning that any juicer is better than no juicer. Many people have succeeded with fasts on cheaper, less efficient juicers. The only key area to be concerned with if you do select a less recommended model, is to ensure you are consuming enough nutrients, typically by consuming extra loads of juice.
Don’t Push Too Far
Pulling off a juice fast is no simple matter, but once you’ve got through 2-3 days of it, your body will often normalise and stop arguing about the change of routine. It’s at this point you have to be careful though, as once you’re no longer struggling against your body, it’s easy to keep your fast going for too long. Therefore, it is imperative that you keep track of your progress, keeping a strict eye on how much weight you lose to ensure that you don’t go overboard.